Trine Supreme Art Rituals are the highest evolution and the overcoming of tradition: they are the most comprehensive tools, more flexible and more powerful than the Esoteric Sciences. In them there is the original purity of the Rite, as it was in ancient times, according to which. Frazer describes as: 1) There is a special class of persons designated to carry out the rites ... The Rites may be performed by anyone, according to the occasion porti.2) Do not choose special places to perform the rites ... you can perform the rites in any place, according to the occasion ports. "the great strength and modernity of the Supreme Rituals are also in this return to the origins, in this newfound simplicity of execution, which requires no special preparation, no investiture from part of a Master, no sacred temple in which to operate, but leaves you completely free to act, according to the occasion porti.La practice of Ritual has always accompanied every esoteric culture, they are the propitiatory moment par excellence, the point of contact between man and the higher dimension. It is virtually impossible in these few lines to draw, if only in outline, a history of ritual practice. The ritual, since the dawn of time, is the repetition of an archetypal gesture that is placed in a spaceless and timeless dimension, is the point of contact with the infinite, so that each of us has to make its will effective. Annual festivities, as has been said, they did treasure the legacy of tradition, but a new beginning, they themselves are the archetypes to which to refer, in them there is now traces of the past, are a return to the primordial the purity of the symbol, which does not require the mediation of language, but it already contains everything. And because everything is already traced in their pentacles, you do not need a previous preparation of the performer, nor serve vestments and temples in order to strengthen their action. Anyone can therefore work in perfect solitude, finding that while their breach that leads to infinity, which harmonizes with the high Intelligences that govern the symbolic spheres, and who preside over the various aspects of life. The first of this degeneration is the primary form of ritual tribal celebration, where no longer the individual but the group, performs the rite, by entering into it extraneous energy, creating new eggregori, losing the initial moment of direct and personal relationship, creating hierarchies and ceremonial privilegi.L'arte was the official science of ancient Egypt, it was the privilege of caste. The first to create a school was Pythagoras, whose methods, we have often inspired. It began a new era, our Science starts with the strength and purity that the weather had cleared.