Salomon Talismans


Here we are in the heart of ART Traditional Talisman. We have already mentioned the legacy of King Solomon and the Clavicules introducing Rituals Solomonic. In Talisman Solomonic, as already mentioned, are used the names and formulas of potenza.Si comes in short, of the Divine Names, derivatives according to Kabbalistic rules and phrases taken from the scriptures that, thanks to repeated consecrations over the centuries, They associate particular virtues of Talisman. In the compilation of these Talismans a place of special importance lies with the esoteric or sacred alphabets alphabets, often of ancient origin, which were collected in the famous VIRGA AUREA by Fra Giacomo Bonaventura, who knew many as 65 different languages ​​and scripts. Agrippa in his Philosophia OCCULT, brings many tables with ancient sacred alphabets, of which one, writing Malachin or Melachim, seems to have been dictated directly from Angelic Entities. Other alphabets such as the Heavenly Scripture were directly inspired by the observation of the starry sky, in accordance to what is written in the book of the Zohar: alphabets in addition to Sacred Talismans Solomonic meet special characters or signatures, traditionally tied to a particular planetary sphere and Intelligences that preside. So basically in the preparation of a Talisman Salomonico it is the knowledge of these ancient symbols is their exact reproduction. The ancient science of sacred alphabets and pantacolari signs, however, was soon forgotten by tradition so the next work of copyists, ignorant about it, gradually deformed the original drafts of the Talismans and even authoritative scholars such as E. Levi and Papus reported versions with errors and signs now devoid of any meaning and esoteric power. If this neglect belonged to distinguished scholars of the past, it is natural to the present day, where improvised experts and certainly do not bother to know the Sacred Alphabets, find around only dramatically altered copies of the Talisman Solomonic, containing signs of any meaning , far away from the original versions and therefore devoid of any esoteric power. Was instead our great care the exact ricosatruzione each Talisman Salomonico, so riaquistasse the ancient splendor and the ancient power. We can now present the collection of the Solomonic Talismans, perfectly adherent to the original versions, with all the letters and symbols properly drawn up in writing, as required by Sacred Science of Alphabets and Pantacolari signs.

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