1. To remove all forms of evil (commonly known as: the evil eye, invoices, jettature, envy, etc.)2. To feel reborn and return to normal life after a difficult period....
1. To help and esoteric support in order to overcome a difficult economic situation.2. To have the will, the insights, the necessary fields aid to rebuild their economic situation.3. To propitiate the money income from whatever source it comes from....
1. Auspicious the removal of a person, in the heart, body and mind, from another person or a group.2. It induces the separation within a couple disliked the person making the partners, creating misunderstandings walls....
Powerful both heterosexual and homosexual. 1. Malia for sentimental tie two people, lighting the flame of love and mutual desire.2. To make firm and untouchble union and protect it from any force or contrary intention.3 To lock and silence anyone who opposes the union.
1. Powerful help to regain a good mental and physical balance and enjoy a state of well-being and peace with yourself.2. Can brings the solution of a problem (desire) tied to the balance of your body, mind or spirit.3. To recharge with positive energy, strength, vitality, and to calm the mind and away from the problems.
A full color and come with a wick. The Rites with the statues are from this page.
A full color and come with a wick. The Rites with the statues are to this page.