FOR LUCK IN LOVE 1. Auspicious liberation from rivals in love.2. Auspicious and protects the love life in general.3. It's the best Ritual against bad luck in love, freeing from each invoice on the love life in general.4. Great Attraction ritual in general, to have luck in love, meet new people, find a soul mate.
PROTECTS THE BALANCE FEMALE 1. Protects the balance and bioenergy in women: reproductive system, breast and head.2. Protects against rheumatic forms.
Procreation, FRIENDSHIPS AND MEETINGS 1. Auspicious male procreation and especially women.2. It promotes new encounters and friendships.
FOR THE FAMILY AND THE HOUSE 1. It brings peace and serenity in smoothing internal family strife and smoothing out the characters.2. Free or protects the house and family of invoices, larvae and negative influences in general.
SEDUCTION, WINS, SPORT, BALANCE 1. Promotes each attraction and works of chairm and seduction, sopruttutto, but not only, including homosexuals.2. Promotes small winnings in the game.3. Protects competitive sports and helps in sports.4. Protects against infections related to the sphere of Venus
Moralize, LEGAL ACTIONS, CARRIERE 1. Auspicious moralization of men and women from the sentimental and sexual behavior doubt for a better future sentimental.2. It protects legal action in the income background.3. It promotes the careers that take place in the medium-long times in which it gives constant and progressive fruits but wide-ranging.
MARRIAGE, THE TRUTH, LOYALTY, HITCH 1. Auspicious marriage in a couple with great difficulty, even in the case of previous marriages or when the marriage is not in the goals. Just difficolà in marriage arising from family, occult or overt or practical obstacles. It acts only on relationships already started....