Presided over by the Most Superno Michael1. In order to wipe out bad luck and all sorts of negativity from people and environments.2. To disinfect people and environments from larvae generated by evil actions, to operate a low magic, from simple and continuous inviadia or hatred, or self-generated by pessimistic thoughts and feelings of depression or...
Presided over by the Most Superno Auriel 1. invaluable tool capable of acting in the most varied and difficult situations. It serves to propitiate the end of feuds and family rivalries or clan.2. Make peace and harmony in the home, in the family, between parents and children, between spouses, between friends, armed, and so on.
Presided over by the Most Superno Gabriel 1. Does it aim to foster reconciliation between the couple, engaged couple, two lovers, even if already separated, by a period not exceeding six months.
Presided over by the Most Superno Raphael 1. This powder Supreme serves to protect against hidden attacks that strike the balance between body and spirit, propitious good luck in the broadest sense; suitable to regenerate and rebalance.
Supreme Powder Abundance by Adriambialpropitious:1. Lucky economic2. Lucky generally3. Commerce4. Money, winnings5. Extra Revenue.