1. Auspicious birth of love stories, hetero and homosexual also with persoona known and chosen.2. It helps those who want to sell quickly and good profit commercial, craft activities. etc.
1. Protects against occult attacks that severely harms the bioenergetic balance.2. It protects the endocrine glands.3. Auspicious fast positive changes (in any field).
1. Helps to overcome great difficulties infusing strength of character, energy, determination, support from other perrsone.2. It promotes reconciliation in a relationship (love, family, friendship), the rupture of relations can be dated up to five years before.
1. Auspicious physical and sexual vigor (both men and women).2. It is the exaltation of male libido surpassing even states of helplessness and past psychological trauma.3. In a couple (heterosexual and homosexual) refines erotic understanding and triggers if the story is beginning.