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Festival di Imbolc

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PREZZI del Rito:  VERSIONE Neofiti e Iniziati  e Gradi Superiori

               Tutto l'occorrente per il Festival esoterico di Michael Superno  sarà contenuto nel pacco che riceverete. L'esecuzione è molto semplice, non servono prece­denti conoscenze. Gli Iniziati e Gradi Superiori avranno diritto allo sconto di loro spettanza, secondo lo schema  che segue'

  • Per Tutti (Neofiti) :                  € 139,00 + 15 Spese Sped.
  • Iniziati :                Sconto 5%  € 132,00 + 15 Spese Sped.
  • Adepti e Maestri : Sconto 10%  € 125,00 + 15 Spese Sped.
  • Maestri Eccelsi :    Sconto 15% € 118,00 + 15 Spese Sped.
  • Pagamento in  contrassegno + 5,00 €

Servizio Consulti

Con questo servizio il Trigono desidera dare la possibilità ad un maggior numero di persone, di accedere ad una consulenza altamente professionale.

Il servizio consulti che il Trigono mette a disposizione di tutte le persone, sarà chiaro e trasparente, ma soprattutto personalizzato, con consigli chiari ed individuali che mettono in condizione la persona di valutare l'efficacia dei consigli e i benefici derivanti dai risultati per la soluzione di ogni problema.

Il consulto fatto da un operatore del Trigono che ha completato un lungo percorso spirituale e che ha maturato quella capacità di Chiaroveggente ossia di colui che vede chiaro è un consulto preciso ed esauriente attraverso un esame individuale ed obiettivo del passato e del presente, avente l'unico scopo di fornire al consultante, il quadro completo della situazione e fornire quella o quelle soluzioni per affrontare in tutta sertenità il futuro.

Gli operatori del Trigono sono altamente professionali e testati direttamente dalla nostra Direzione.

Non è un servizio che fornisce numeri al lotto, ma unicamente per aiutare l'individuo a conoscere meglio se stesso e a fornire l'aiuto necessario per superare gli ostacoli in determinate situazioni, mettendolo a conoscenza degli sviluppi futuri della propria esistenza.

Il Trigono garantisce la serietà dei suoi associati, ogni altro operatore che operi parallelamente o semplicemente al di fuori di questo servizio, non è un nostro associato, per tanto non è in nessun modo da noi autorizzato.

Chiama con fiducia Carla +39 334 3448388  per un consulto completo

Servizio a pagamento anticipato €28,00 su postepay 4023600903041889

Messaggio ai nostri clienti:

Si ribadisce per tutte le persone che hanno delle perplessità in merito all'Arte Suprema, che la Ditta Arte Suprema del Trigono Snc di Sergio Falcinelli, si è impegnata da anni a ricostruire tutti gli strumenti dell'Arte, solo ed esclusivamente per mettere in condizioni le persone di proseguire l'opera del nostro caro Maestro Dignitario Fulvio Bonini, coloro che si spacciano per Maestri Dignitari o che tentano di ricostruire l'Arte non hanno in alcun modo ne le conoscenze e ne le capacità Spirituali per ricreare i sigilli e le formule ad esse associate.

Quindi qualsiasi ditta che navigando in rete troverete e che si spaccia per Trigono, non potrà in alcun modo fornire i nostri strumenti, ricreati solo ed esclusivamente interpellando l'aiuto delle Altissime Entità.

Molto si è fatto e molto ancora si farà per fornire a voi operatori Esoterici e Neofiti, di vivere l'esperienza della  Magia Suprema.

  • Shares of the Beltane Festival Respecting the traditions, the elective purpose of the Festival is Abundance, Wealth, Fortune in Economic Field. The ways in which the multiplier power of Beltane propizierà the realization of the goals and aspirations, will certainly be different from case to case, but the goal, the goal remains the same for all.

    154,00 €
  • 1 Review(s)

    The festival of Imbolc should be performed Feb. 2 - Maximum within February 12 1) Imbolc: The Source of Youth2) Renewal balance bioenergetic3) Renewal in love4) Restoration work5) Renewal of the style of life6) Spiritual Renewal7) Youth of the mind8) Sensitivity and clairvoyance9) Exorcism and deep purification.

    149,00 €
  • Magical year is a complete traditional route, which allows the acquisition of initiatory degrees and the personal spiritual evolution. The eight festivals are seen as eight stages of growth

    1 026,00 €
  • Propitiate the gainsand the increase of all business activities such as sales and customers. It 'a supreme luck to revitalize activities in crisis, to increase the volume of sales and number of customers. Since ancient times at the Summer Solstice is celebrated and the Fortuna Major propitious.

    154,00 €
  • The shares of Equinox Festival The Love Festival The Festival of the Equinox is one of the most complete, its propitiatory actions relate a bit 'all areas of life: love, home and family, money and labor. The execution is very simple and affordable for everyone. You can choose up 6 actions among the nine listed below.

    149,00 €
  • Yula the Festival should be performed on December 21, or, exceptionally, within a maximum of 24 hours of January 2. Included in the Festival Talisman Silver Yula.Propitious the realization of an important desire chosen from among the 3 following1) Money: propitiate an exceptional gain2) Love: find your soul3) Balance: to find a perfect balance

    154,00 €
  • All shares belong to the Lugnasad Festival and they are available while running an unlimited number.1 The abundance of cheap crop2 Balance and body protection3 Accidents and physical and mental safety4 Auspicious solutions in love5 Protection and fidelity in the couple6 Protection from negative energies7 Exorcism and radical purification8 Harvest Esoteric

    149,00 €
  • Enriched favorite fragrances from Supernals. These 12 special Scented candles are, each dedicated to one of Supernals governing the 12 balls Esoteric Supreme.

    8,88 €
  • The 9 actions of the Samhain Festival Propitious wealth and gainsFavorable odds to the gameVictory over enemies, competitors and rivalsabsolute protection from negative energiessensitivity and clairvoyance developmentPropitious celebrities and successfulAgainst the imbalances between body and spirit, to the best of bioenergy levelsPropitious unlocking...

    149,00 €
  • All the actions that follow are part of the Festival and at runtime each one will be able to request, to obtain targeted propitiatory action and personalized. The execution, is very simple and affordable for everyone. 1 SUCCESS!2 VICTORY!3 FORGIVENESS!4 RECEIVABLES AND DEBTS5 ABSOLUTE PROTECTION6 WEALTH AND FORTUNE7 PURIFICATION8 AUTOMATIC ACTIONS

    149,00 €
  • 1 Review(s)

    The festival of Imbolc should be performed Feb. 2 - Maximum within February 12 1) Imbolc: The Source of Youth2) Renewal balance bioenergetic3) Renewal in love4) Restoration work5) Renewal of the style of life6) Spiritual Renewal7) Youth of the mind8) Sensitivity and clairvoyance9) Exorcism and deep purification.

    149,00 €
  • Propitiate the gainsand the increase of all business activities such as sales and customers. It 'a supreme luck to revitalize activities in crisis, to increase the volume of sales and number of customers. Since ancient times at the Summer Solstice is celebrated and the Fortuna Major propitious.

    154,00 €
  • Yula the Festival should be performed on December 21, or, exceptionally, within a maximum of 24 hours of January 2. Included in the Festival Talisman Silver Yula.Propitious the realization of an important desire chosen from among the 3 following1) Money: propitiate an exceptional gain2) Love: find your soul3) Balance: to find a perfect balance

    154,00 €
  • Shares of the Beltane Festival Respecting the traditions, the elective purpose of the Festival is Abundance, Wealth, Fortune in Economic Field. The ways in which the multiplier power of Beltane propizierà the realization of the goals and aspirations, will certainly be different from case to case, but the goal, the goal remains the same for all.

    154,00 €
  • All shares belong to the Lugnasad Festival and they are available while running an unlimited number.1 The abundance of cheap crop2 Balance and body protection3 Accidents and physical and mental safety4 Auspicious solutions in love5 Protection and fidelity in the couple6 Protection from negative energies7 Exorcism and radical purification8 Harvest Esoteric

    149,00 €
  • The shares of Equinox Festival The Love Festival The Festival of the Equinox is one of the most complete, its propitiatory actions relate a bit 'all areas of life: love, home and family, money and labor. The execution is very simple and affordable for everyone. You can choose up 6 actions among the nine listed below.

    149,00 €
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    246,40 € 308,00 € -20%
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    153,00 € 170,00 € -10%

    PROMOTIONS, OCCUPATIONS LUXURY 1. Against bills, larvae, demons that affect the job.2. Promotes the promotions, the success or the qualitative changes at the professional level. It is the suitable ritual so for those who already occupies positions of prestige and aspires to greater heights, career, social scalara....

    153,00 € 170,00 € -10%
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    153,00 € 170,00 € -10%

    EXORCISM, ABUNDANCE, SELF-ESTEEM 1. Against the bills, the demons, the larvae also self-generated by pessimism and distrust, debilitating physically and impede the work.2. It's a powerful helping hand to regenerate the optimism, new energy, abundance, confidence of customers, suppliers, colleagues, superiors, esteem, renewed ability to succeed in their...

    153,00 € 170,00 € -10%
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    153,00 € 170,00 € -10%

    FORM COMPANY OR TO FIND WORK 1. Can brings the formation of companies, companies, groups, corporations, etc. Means not only official but also the companies looking for employees, potential partners, people to implant a new job or a collaboration of any kind....

    153,00 € 170,00 € -10%
    Reduced price!
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    153,00 € 170,00 € -10%

    MONEY, EARNINGS, WINNINGS 1. Can brings the strong increase in cash receipts through the possible routes for each and suggesting new ones.2. Auspicious earnings in any activities on their own.3. Good luck to win the game and dellaro extra revenue.

    153,00 € 170,00 € -10%
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    153,00 € 170,00 € -10%

    HERITAGE. HIGH FINANCE, SALES 1. It is the ritual of high finance, governs and propitious the sales of real estate and movable assets, ie fabbriicati, land, estates, securities, shares, bonds, and so on.2. Can brings the increase of assets and ensures the best of luck in their management.3. It is the ritual of choice for those who play on the stock...

    153,00 € 170,00 € -10%
    Reduced price!
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    153,00 € 170,00 € -10%

    WELLNESS AND PEACE OF MIND 1. Auspicious and protects feeling good.2. Create serenity and inner peace, removes psychosomatic disorders, stress, it allows to better savor the pleasures of life.3. Delete the average severity imbalances that hinder the conduct of their work and involve expenditure of money.

    153,00 € 170,00 € -10%
    Reduced price!
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    153,00 € 170,00 € -10%

    FIND WORK, CAREER 1. Can brings a quick and brilliant career in paid employment.2. Auspicious finding work in a short time.3. Protects in competitions and in the company selections.

    153,00 € 170,00 € -10%
    Reduced price!

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